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夜班經(jīng)理全集資源 1-6集bt種子中字迅雷下載


來(lái)源:發(fā)型站時(shí)間:2016-04-19 17:34責(zé)編:網(wǎng)站小編


抖森tom hiddleston夜班經(jīng)理全集資源

Angela Burr sends Jonathan, out to avenge Sophie Alekan, to Devon, to present himself as vicious drug dealer Tom Quince, a successful ruse helped by money from American agent Joel Steadman. Six months later he is working on the island of Mallorca where Roper and Jed are living with his little boy Daniel. Whilst the trio are at a restaurant with Roper's friends Lance Corkoran and Lord and Lady Langbourne Albanian thugs break in and kidnap Daniel for ransom but are thwarted by Jonathan. Unaware that the whole exercise has been staged a grateful Roper welcomes Jonathan into his circle, despite Corkoran's suspicions. In London Burr and Steadman congratulate themselves that MI6 are unaware of their plan.

夜班經(jīng)理中字bt高清全集1-6集百度云網(wǎng)盤(pán):鏈接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c7cxjC 密碼關(guān)注微信公眾號(hào)并回復(fù)“夜班經(jīng)理”獲取

夜班經(jīng)理中字bt高清全集1-6集360云盤(pán):https://yunpan.cn/OcPsspXdC2XWHG  密碼關(guān)注微信公眾號(hào)并回復(fù)“夜班經(jīng)理”獲取


