韓國年度情色之作《關(guān)不住的誘惑》,講述女主角(全度妍)與有婦之夫( 孔侑)在北歐旅行相遇,大雪封路,二人困于林中小屋,陷入禁忌之戀的故事。畫面非常唯美,臺詞句句戳心,據(jù)說本片還有重磅大尺度激情戲!孔侑男神太帥了!
韓國情色大作《關(guān)不住的誘惑》(a man and a woman 남과여)電影資源百度云網(wǎng)盤迅雷bt下載在線觀看地址:
韓國情色大作《關(guān)不住的誘惑》(a man and a woman 남과여)電影資源百度云網(wǎng)盤迅雷bt下載在線觀看地址:
Sang-min comes to Finland to send her autistic son to a special camp, but she feels extremely alienated in snow covered-white Helsinki. Ki-hong is an architect working in Finland on dispatched duty. His family is not so perfect either with a daughter having child depression and mentally unease wife. The two meet for the first time at the gathering point of this special camp. They get to have a short trip to the camp together in silence but start to feel comfortable and connected to each other. On their way back to Helsinki, with the road blocked from heavy snow, Sang-min and Ki-hong are isolated in a cabin by the forest and lake. Carried away by irresistible passion, they spend a night together. But the next day, they go separate ways without asking each other's name...